Curators Sebastiano Barassi of the Henry Moore Foundation, Matthew Gale of the Tate Modern and Fabienne Eggelhofer of the Paul Klee Center have assembled a cross-section of Moores sculpture and paintings that demonstratethough the two ...
In his later work he preferred bronze to stone as his chosen medium and began work on an extremely large scale. This lavishly illustrated volume provided a fascinating introduction to a twentieth-century genius.
Catalog of an exhibition held at Hofstra Museum (Sept. 10-Nov. 21, 1987); Museum of Art, The Pennsylvania State University (Dec. 6, 1987-Jan. 23, 1988); Baltimore Art Museum (Feb. 16-Apr. 17, 1988); and the Arthur Ross Gallery, University ...
Reproducing a comprehensive visual record of most of Moore's finished sculptured work in a single volume for the first time, this landmark book represents a 30-year friendship between photographer John Hedgecoe and sculptor Henry Moore. 950 ...