Keep Your Fork- Dessert Is on the Way: Savoring the Second Half of Life [Book]
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: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Self-help
: Barbara Warner
: Dog Ear Publishing, LLC, paperback
Now is the time to set aside our culture's aging stereotypes that are often based in fear, isolation and personal diminishment. It is time to embrace the second half of life with optimism, passion, humor, creativity and wisdom. No generation in history has had this rich opportunity. Barb Warner relates personal stories that have led her to celebrate the first half of life and of the wisdom that those experiences have brought to the second half. Among the life experiences that she includes are change, creativity, life stories, gratitude and resilience. She hopes that this book brings to light ideas that will help all her readers discover their own genuine value and to explore their beliefs about the power they have to create magic in the second half of life. Now in her seventies, Barb is continuing to learn from her own life experiences. Her goal is to help others in the second half of life do the same and see where they have made courageous life choices. She hopes that you will join her in mining your experiences and harvesting the wisdom, courage and knowledge that is now yours. This has the potential to be a new exciting chapter in your life. Barb lives in Aurora, Colorado with her daughter, her daughter's partner and their three dogs. Barb Warner is a great guide on the passion trail. She has mined her own life for its precious jewels and hands them out chapter by chapter in her new book. If you're wondering what to do with the rest of your life, you're sure to find some clues in Keep Your Fork-Dessert Is on the Way. Jan Phillips, author, No Ordinary Time, The Art of Original Thinking, The Making of a Thought Leader
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